We need YOUR help to fight animal cruelty!
Did you know that nearly 20,000 dogs were cared for by the RSPCA in 2022-23? That’s over 52 dogs every day!
Many of these precious pups are victims of cruelty, bred to turn a profit, abused by their owners or abandoned by the humans they loved unconditionally.
Even one dog is too many.
That is why this year I have decided to join the RSPCA Million paw walk with my baby Mocha, and we are on a mission to raise funds in the fight against animal cruelty.
There are more than 14,000 animals desperately need help every year. And YOU have the power to change a life, and it’s a gift they’ll never forget.
Will you be a hero for dogs in need?
I have created a fundraising platform for you all to help these well deserving animals, just think twice before buying your boba tea today, when that money could help put a dog in a safe shelter tonight. Even the slightest donations would help a long way. ❤️
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15 Animals are safe because of YOU!!!
Friday 1st Mar Mocha and myself have raised $548 as part of RSPCA’s Million Paw Walk so far, all thanks to your pawsome generosity and suppawt! You are now officially a supawhero in the fight against animal cruelty. Each day brings a new challenge in the shelters, but with our powers combined, it all becomes a little bit easier. Your donation will make a tangible impact on all creatures, great and small. Again, thankyou for helping these animals, making their bad days a little easier. Its YOU who is making it happen and we are so grateful you have join this fight with us. ShareONLY 1 DAY IN AND WE HAVE ALREADY HELPED 5 DOGGIES!!
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Numberworks'nwords Epping
Hazel Lam
Jessica Shine
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Numberworks'nwords Epping
Hazel Lam
Jessica Shine