Joe Harman

Hi, Our names are Charlie, Prudence and Matilda AND we're walking with our superhuman to lend a paw to our furry friends in need.

Please support my Million Paws Walk to fight animal cruelty!

Did you know that nearly 20,000 dogs were cared for by the RSPCA in 2022-23? That’s over 52 dogs every day!

Many of these precious pups are victims of cruelty, bred to turn a profit, abused by their owners or abandoned by the humans they loved unconditionally.

Even one dog is too many.

That’s why I'm walking and wagging at Million Paws Walk. I'm on a mission to raise funds in the fight against animal cruelty.

Will you be a hero for dogs in need?

Please suppawt me by making a tax-deductible donation. Every dollar donated will help rescue, rehabilitate and rehome dogs in need. Thank you so much!

My Impact


Animals are in safety and care for the night thanks to my pawsome supporters!

*Based on average cost per night of care in an RSPCA shelter

My Achievements

My Updates

We are dogs that walk the walk

Sunday 26th May
After lots of talking about the Million Paws Walk we have walked the walk.

A lovely sunny day on the domain and we dragged our humans Joe and Ash around Max's Infinity Loop.

Was lovely to have so many dogs around us and so many interesting smells.

We were all a little over stimulated and tired out after so many butts to sniff, wallaby pooh to eat and people pats and sunning ourselves on the back deck on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Thank you to all of our sponsors for our doggy walkathon.  We all done good.

Final training session

Friday 24th May
Extra long walks today to get ready for Sunday (followed by a good stick chew). 

Ironically, our walk organiser asked today “they’re all small dogs aren’t they?”  Prudence, weighing in at 40kg, is certainly no light weight.  

Make her give my ball back

Monday 20th May
Matilda is not a great sharer, when it comes to her ball at least-she is much better at sharing her love - and when her sister Prudence joins in and does her own version of chasing the ball (lying on her back chewing it) she seeks assistance.

This is Matilda at her happiest - Cornellian Bay, sun, ball and chasing.  She is ready to swap ball for leash on Sunday to walk in solidarity with her less fortunate brothers and sisters.

The Spaniels, united, shall never be defeated!

Training is tough

Monday 20th May
After a big afternoon session at the park (when, seriously, her sister Matilda chased the ball non-stop and Prudence occasionally joined in) Prudence is having a beauty nap.

But she'll be ready to walk and socialise (aka sniff butt) come Sunday.

No greater love hath man

Monday 20th May
Some prepare for physical challenges with exercise.  Not our Charlie.  

Having eaten his dinner of chopped up blade steak, he settles onto his cushion with his human Ash to get some more lovin'.  Works for him.

And it works for us humans.  Afterall, those centuries of breeding have made Charlie a perfect specimen of the lap dog.  The girls, Matilda and Prudence may be breed for chasing (well, Matilda anyway-Prudence is bred to look beautiful and that's about it) and hunting but Charlie's species was specifically designed to warm the lap on the way to and fro the hunt.  And he excels in his role.

Charlie is getting out of his comfort zone and off the couch this Sunday to walk for the dogs who do not have his life of luxury.

The Steve Morris of our team

Wednesday 8th May
He may be small but, for those of you old enough to remember when the ball was properly fed into the scrum and their was no video ref or interchange (and the game was so much better), I wanted to introduce the smallest member of our team Charlie.

Charlie is naturally predisposed to feeling left out (not helped by the inferential misgendering of "here girls").  But he is 10kg of walking machine and an integral part of the team.

Prudence goes for the treats, Matilda for the ball and Charlie for the pats.

He has had a trim, shampoo and nail trim to get ready (and plenty of snore filled beauty sleep).

There's more than one way to play with a ball

Monday 6th May
My sister Matilda is very athletic.  She loves to chase a ball and will do it all day.

I'm less in to chasing and just prefer to chew my ball.  And there is nothing I like more than the feel of grass on my back as I roll.


Matilda says thank you

Sunday 5th May
This was Matilda on the couch last night with her humans and a warm fire.  I could almost imagine her contemplating how lucky she was to have a belly full of premium mince, surrounded by love and warmth and thinking how much luckier she is that a stray dog out in the cold, alone, looking for scraps.

Rucking drills

Thursday 2nd May
Prudence and Matilda are hoping to make it as Rucks. Charlie is more of a crummer. 

May Day donations

Wednesday 1st May
Thank you everyone for the kind donations today.

We're just back from a long ball chasing excursion to Cornellian Bay and having a celebratory sleep, warm in the knowledge that all the donations will help other doggies be safe and comfortable.

Prudence, a reluctant participant

Wednesday 1st May
It is hard to believe how tiny Prudence was not quite 2 years ago when we got her (and then her athletic, working dog sister Matilda) as an 8 week old puppy from Burnie (and who said nothing good ever came out of Burnie-lovely place).

Now, nearly two years on, Prudence has exceeded our expectations in every way.  She is a bit of a scavenger (she quickly grew to a size whereby the table and kitchen benches are easily within reach) and has, no doubt as a consequence of said habit, grown to 37kg (the althletic Matilda is a mere 26kgs).

But Prudence is a Show dog, built for comfort not speed (as Howlin' Wolf sang).  But, that said, she can jump! (reminds me of Shane Mumford - big but a bit clumsy).

And she is loving and gentle and loves nothing more than a cuddle on the couch in front of the fire - sadly, growing up with her cavalier brother Charlie, she thinks she's a lap dog so we've had to move the couch back against the wall as when she launches onto your lap there are a lot of newtons in play.

But "big pru" is ready for the challenge of the million paws walk and keen to see as many dogs as possible made happy by her efforts.



Joe Harman


Dean Bainbridge

Great work Joe. I was behind in my Zakat anyway!


Stevenie Harman

Something for all three beautiful girls



Go team Spaniels!!



Very happy to contribute to this worth cause Joe


Catherine Piotrowski

Go pups, go! And you too Joe! :)


Sue & Tony Bell

Go the Super Spaniels (and Charlie)



Great work, Joe and friends :-)




Linda Hansen


Stephen Tester

Good on you Joe, and to all among us with a social conscious. Keep up the good work.



Good luck with the walk!




Tanya Mitchell

Great cause Joe!


Kate Marr




Steven Hargreaves

I think that you might need to harness one of the twins to a cart and put the other in the cart. You decide who does what.